Flying Standards.

(a) ALL non-2.4 GHzTransmitters are to be placed in the Transmitter Pound upon arrival at the Flying Field and left there at ALL times, other than when required for flying, flight related checks, or leaving the Flying Field for the day.
When in use, the Frequency Key system MUST be used at all times. If you have any doubts how the system works, ask someone who is familiar with the system.
After every flight, your Transmitter is to be returned to the Transmitter Pound and your Frequency Key removed from the board as other pilots may be on the same frequency as yourself, and may be waiting to fly.

(b) Any person shall obey any instruction from an appointed Safety Officer.

(c) There is to be NO flying of Internal Combustion Engine Powered aircraft prior to 10.00am on Sundays -- all other days to be 9 a.m. or as otherwise decided by the Committee as in the case of FUN-FLY days which are held once a year, or as otherwise arranged.

(d) All Internal Combustion Engines to be started via the use of the three designated tables,or, outside the Pits safety fence on mats provided. Aircraft must be restrained either by an assistant or by the frames supplied.

(e) NO starting or running of engines on the Pits benches is permitted.

(f) Circuit Direction
If more than three (3) Internal Combustion Engine planes are in the air at the same time then pilots are to fly in a common circuit. Gliders are not in this category nor are small electric planes.
The circuit direction will be at the discretion of the Safety Officer, or, if no Safety Officer is in attendance, then those present will mutually decide the Circuit Direction and abide by the decision.

If only one aircraft is in the air then the Circuit Direction is not an issue.

(g) After initial take-off and course setting all pilots shall direct flights away from and parallel to the runway. High speed approaches towards the Pits should be avoided at all times.

(h) When flying, pilots are to clearly announce their intentions to other pilots on the flight line. E.G. "Taking Off"; "Landing"; "Dead Stick" etc. Dead Stick landings always have priority.

(i) No flying is permitted closer than thirty (30) metres to any spectator area.

(j) There shall be NO flying over the Pits, Car Park, Oval, Sporting Club area, School or Houses unless beyond the control of the pilots.

(k) Visitors and/or persons intending to become members are only permitted to fly on Four (4) occasions prior to being invited to become a member of the Club. Such persons to be logged-in in the Register Book and supervised as per Regulations.

(1) All pilots should make themselves aware of the Regulations as specified in the CASA 101 Document.


(a) Persons who have been expelled from other Clubs shall not be automatically accepted as members of the Club.


(a) Proof of current insurance cover is to be produced on request by the Secretary or Safety Officer.

(b) Such insurance cover to be per medium of a current registration card of a National Organisation specifically for RC flying..


For the safety of R.M.A.C. members, visitors, property, operation of models and the enjoyment of the sport, the following rules apply :

(a) Any member charged with unsportsmanlike or ungentlemanly conduct prejudicial to the Club or sport, or breaching Club Rules, may be called before the Committee. Failure to provide a satisfactory explanation to the Committee may result in the member being cautioned,suspended, or required to resign from the Club. In the event of Termination of Membership for any reason,that person shall be suspended for a period of Twelve (12) months.
Any subscription paid to the Club will be forfeited.

(b) Any member affected by alcohol and/or any type of illegal performance enhancing drug or drugs within the previous Twelve (12) hours shall not operate or influence the operation of a model.

The above BY-LAWS may be amended from time to time.

It is the responsibility of the members to familiarise themselves with any changes that may occur.

End of RMAC Bylaws.

Further Reading

The Club Constitution

Club Flying Rules in Brief

Part 101 CASA Regulations (Includes RC models)
